Monday, June 27, 2005


Well, as mentioned in the other blog, I'm off to LA pretty soon (first flight to Schiphol in 6 hours, as a matter of fact). As anyone who has done this before would probably tell you, the last couple of weeks are always the worst, however much planning you do. There have been nights where I've gone to bed at 3am, and woken at 7am just because I'm in a constant state of worry.

There's a lot to be worried about, because all I'm hearing at the moment is how difficult and bureaucratic life can be for newcomers to America. I was very lucky to have arrived in the UK as a student. The universities here are well set-up, with welcome packs that they send to you in advance, with all the pertinent information, like how to open a bank account, register with a GP, find the nearest pub with cheap beer. You know, the essentials. But this move to America, however aided with a couple of guide books, is highly unorganised and slap-dash.

Nothing's definite, it's going to be awkward opening a bank account straight away (which means no security of having money in the bank), the American financial system is different (not that I understand the British one anyway, but at least I have started my pension plan here), I've never been to LA (or America for that matter), the money is funny (it's all green! how do you tell them apart at a glance?!), and add to that the fact that I haven't properly "met" my future employer and workmates.

Although it's all too scary, I think I'll enjoy it once immigration has been cleared, the bags safely picked up (not holding out much hope for that), and transport arranged to my first night's stay. Then, hopefully, that double-hitch knot in my stomach will somehow loosen, and we can start preparations for P's move...



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