Sunday, July 10, 2005

Celavatory spotting

I thought I should start a new type of post, entitled Celavatory spotting™ (name coined by P when I'm a Celavatory; Get me out of here first hit our screens). Today's celavatory: that ex-WWF guy with the blond handlebar moustache, the Hulk. Spotted: Walgreens on Lincoln Blvd. (Where I finally bought some sorely needed storage for my bits and bobs.) So, there you go. Confirmation that I too, geek though I am, can rub shoulders with the celavatories.



Blogger santos. said...

speaking of i'm a celavatory...john lydon owns quite a bit of venice property. he used to live in the marina, i'm not sure if he still does.

Mon Jul 11, 05:23:00 am GMT-7  
Blogger akatsukira said...

I'll keep an eye out for the Rotten... Normally, he'd stick out like a sore thumb, but I've since realised that Venice (and the Marina) is full of rather odd-looking people (but not all in a bad way, and probably including myself...).

Wed Jul 13, 10:19:00 am GMT-7  

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